Stevens High School Bulletin Thursday, Oct 24
Today’s Menu: Chicken Strips and Mac & Cheese- Sub Sandwich, Fruit and Salad Bar, Pizza Option or WowButter Sandwich w/Cheese Stick offered every day
Monday– Sub-V Football @ Pierre 4:30 pm; Choir Concert 7:00 pm
Tuesday– National FFA Convention @ Indianapolis; PSAT 10/11th Grade
Wednesday– National FFA Convention @ Indianapolis
Thursday– National FFA Convention @ Indianapolis; Football vs Central @ O’Harra 6:00 pm
Friday- National FFA Convention @ Indianapolis; Volleyball East/West Tournament @ Spearfish 4:00 pm; Comp Cheer/Dance SDHSAA State Championship @ The Monument
Saturday– National FFA Convention @ Indianapolis; National ACT Test Date; Volleyball East/West Tournament; Comp Cheer/Dance SDHSAA State Championship @ The Monument; Cross Country SDHSAA State Championship @ Rapid City; Knowledge Bowl @ South MS 9:00 am
More information or updates @***
Today’s Red Ribbon Week tip is all about how to stay drug-free. Sometimes, peer pressure can be tough, but remember that you are in control of your choices. Surround yourself with positive friends, get involved in activities you enjoy, and don’t be afraid to say no. Let your choices reflect the person you want to be—strong, healthy, and drug-free! The dress-up theme for Friday is Time Travel.
The annual SHS Blood Drive is on Friday October 25th. Our goal is to sign up a minimum of 50 donors. You can sign up by using the Q-code on posters hanging around the school or see Mr. Beyer in room S264. There is always a need for blood in our community. This is your opportunity to give something special to a stranger you will never meet. It doesn’t involve anything but your time, love, and empathy. Donors will receive pizza, drinks, and snacks when they donate.
Seniors: I’m sure you’re already thinking about graduation, but now we need you think about what represents the class of 2025. Suggestions for senior class song, flower, and motto are being taken through Friday, October 25th. Suggestions should reflect the seriousness of the occasion, who your class really is, and be school appropriate. A link to the Google survey was emailed out to all seniors, so be on the lookout and get your suggestions in soon!
Have you ever seen flags or sabers flying through the air during halftime at a football game? Want to try it out for yourself? Winter Color Guard starts Tuesday, October 29th at 3:45pm meeting in Ms. Hobson’s room (room 410). We are running this season competitively and would love to have you join us! Please see Ms. Hobson with any questions.
Is playing video games your go to after school? Come check out the first ever Stevens E-Sports competitive team and become one of the founding members! Our first meeting is Wednesday, October 30th in Ms. Hobson’s room (room 410) at 3:45pm. We will discuss which games will be played, how you can join, and lots of other information. See Ms. Hobson in room 410 with any questions. We hope to see you there!
A representative from the National Guard will be in the link during the lunch periods on Thursday. A representative from the Air Force Academy will be in the link during the lunch periods on Friday.
AP Students: AP Exam ordering is open on eFunds through March 7. Please check your email for details! Use this link to view AP Exam Order Information. If you have questions, reach out to, AP Coordinator.
Safe2Say South Dakota is a statewide tip line that allows South Dakota students, school staff, and community members to safely and anonymously report sensitive information that concerns their safety, or the safety of others, including mental health concerns. Anyone with information about a potentially dangerous situation, can call their toll-free number at 1-844-373-7233 or visit to make a report.